SEO vs. SMO – What is Social Media Optimization all about?

This is an excerpt of a guest post that can be found in full at the

Social Business Intelligence in short

Business Intelligence Business Intelligence (BI) is usually business information...

Social Media and Webshopping trends in Russia - part 2

This is part 2 of 2 for the Social Media and webshopping trends of Russia...

12 Social Media trends for 2011

I just ran into a new interesting article at the Harvard Business Review, and...

Social Media and webshopping trends in Russia

Part 1 of 2, Social Media and webshopping trends in Russia Russia was for long...

The 8P´s of Marketing in Social Media

The 4P´s of Marketing There´s a million and one people out there thinking they...

Netcycler – Social swapping online

Netcycler – Social swapping online I recently saw a newspaper editorial about...

Haudataanko Sosiaalinen Media suosiolla?

Uskotko sinä provokaation voimaan? Entä sarkasmiin? Alf, oi Alf ja kumppanit...